Nick Gullo talks about how UFC fighter Mike Bisping introduced him to Sweet Sweat.
May 10, 2022 2022-05-12 19:43Nick Gullo talks about how UFC fighter Mike Bisping introduced him to Sweet Sweat.
Nick Gullo talks about how UFC fighter Mike Bisping introduced him to Sweet Sweat.
Nick Gullo: This is by far the best product for effective training and weight loss.
A professional athlete spends 97.92% of his waking hours trying to get in better shape: training, nutrition, rest, video study, supplements, motivation, music, even sex-anything that gives any advantage.
Bisping was the first person to tell me about Sweet Sweat. “It’s a quick way to lose weight,” he said. “The results are guaranteed. I lost 5.5 pounds before my fight with Belcher and I felt better than I ever did.”
Okay, great, but how often do I need to race the weight before a fight? Never…it’s not like I’m Bisping…but still decided to give it a try.
I had a workout the next day, so I took Sweet Sweat with me. Hmm. I opened the lid, smelled it – the aroma was pleasant. “I hear it’s great for warming up,” a friend told me near the lockers. Wait, but I thought Sweet Sweat was only for weight loss…?
“It’s a thermogenic,” he said, and, seeing my confusion, continued: “You know, warms up your tissues and makes you sweat, and also warms up your muscles, so the workout will go faster and more efficiently.” Well, it sounded like a magic elixir, so I dabbed it on my lower back, which, as always, hurt and felt a nice warmth after a few minutes.
And it’s not even menthol.
The manufacturer tells us, “It helps relax the blood vessels and improves circulation, oxygen and nutrient flow.” On the website and on the can there is a picture of infrared images of an athlete with the “red” half of his body smeared with Sweet Sweat, which shows the action of the thermogenic. I’m not a scientist or alchemist, so I have no idea how this stuff works. I’ve searched the internet, interviewed several people and found nothing about its harm. It has a natural composition and no menthol, which is usually sinned with to create a sensation of heat.
On the tatami, my warm-up time was reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. It was so easy… It may seem strange to lubricate your body before a workout, but professional Thai Muay Thai fighters, for example, regularly dab their shins with Tiger Balm. It’s an age-old tradition they use to warm up their muscles and create a bone-in-bone environment for their legs. Going surfing the next morning, I dabbed Sweet Sweat on my sore lower back again , and it not only reduced my warm-up to a few stretches, but also allowed me to train without pain.
This is by far the best workout product I have ever used. I don’t really need weight loss, but I’m sure for wrestlers, MMA fighters, or even those who just need to fit into an evening gown, this is like manna from heaven.